

Five principal points

1. Vision:
I think that leadership is the science and the art to transform “it would / should be” in “it is” – in other words to change potentiality into reality. So, every act of leading begins by a passionate vision (of the future) and it is clear that ceases by the lack of it. Leadership is nothing else that a new born vision ready to be nourished to a full growth. My deep christian conviction is that the true leader is routed on God’s soil rich in promises – the ultimate source for a stirring vision.

2. Healthy relationships
But a good leader is not merely a deep lonely thinker. He (or surely, she) is a thinker among people, for the people. So, the leader incorporate continuously every good advice to change the actual reality for a better one. Leadership means primarily to listen and secondly to speak. By doing this he is avoiding the temptation of control. The leader is concerned for people: before to reach the hand, the leader reach the soul. Only by doing this, he is able to animate others in order to catch his personal vision.

3. Servant leadership
„For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required”: the leadership means to assume responsibilities derived from personal capacities involving himself in a servant work. True dedication for the cause and effective service are the living proof of an authentic vision. The service is the key test for a leader, because only doing this he can show his dedication for the vision.
His servant leadership will be manifested by his constant preoccupation for a continuous development of his co-workers manifested by actualization for the personal potential of everyone. Otherwise he will be a lonely babbler talking to the walls.

4. A good defined goal
By its very nature, the leading process has a goal. A good leader will organise for the best plans to achieve the goal. In doing this, he is capable to manage the change and implementing everything is for good for the supreme achievement.

5. Excellency
The leader has a profound commitment to excellency. Actually, his life is a living proof. He is concerned by quality, helping people to discover its true meaning. In a good leadership there is no room for inconsistency – spiritual / moral, personal and professional qualities are the best recommendations for a leader. Only a man of quality has the right to ask for it.

Im my vision the leadership is the transformation process of vision into reality by sharing it to others as a result of good relationships and demonstrated by an active and dedicated service, animating people for the full accomplishment in excellency of the ultimate goal: saving souls.

MAED, july, 2009

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